Sunday, August 12, 2012

No Iron

    I find it entertaining that some Men take the term "No Iron" so seriously. Granted if a company is going to say "No Iron" on their clothes you'd expect to never have to iron your clothes. But the fact is no matter what, if your clothes are a tad wrinkled, you should probably slick them off real quick with your handy iron.
    There are some brands however, in which the"No Iron" statement is pretty damn close to true.  Lands End has the No Iron Pinpoint Oxford, and let me tell you, these shirts are amazing.  You can literally throw them in the laundry, wash and dry with minimal to zero shrinkage and you essentially don't have to iron it.  I however will iron anything if it looks too wrinkled in my book (thank you Mom.)
    To conclude this post, I will say no matter what, if its wrinkled and sloppy, iron it! It looks a million times better crisp and pressed than wrinkled.  Wrinkles happen, especially in the sleeves and where you tuck in your shirt, which is fine, but still if the whole of the shirt is wrinkled, press it.  Same with pants, if they are wrinkled, press it. I can't say it enough.  Well that is all for today.  Happy Reading.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Men's Commandments (of fashion and life)

  Here is the ongoing list of The Men's Commandments (of fashion and life.)  The list is in no particular order and I am open to ideas of what can be added to the list.  These Commandments are not necessarily a strict "must obey" set of rules, but definitely good tips to live by.  They are composed of traditional rules, and a few non ideas.  Some are not my original ideas and I may borrow some from others but they are universal in the sense that most Men would agree with these rules. Now to begin the Commandments.

1. Thou shall never wear sneakers or running shoes with a Suit or any dressy attire.

2. Thou shall NEVER wear socks with sandals.

3. Thou shall have a well rounded skill and knowledge of tie knots and their functions.

4. When wearing a suit (with more than one button), thou shall never button the bottom button. Ever!

5. Thou shall never wear skinny jeans, unless you are legitimately skinny.

6. When buying a suit for the first time, thou shall be properly measured by a trained salesmen to ensure the right fit and size of the suit.

7. Thou shall have his own sense of style, but always open to new ideas of fashion.

8. Thou shall never underestimate the power and effect of a well tailored suit.

9. Thou shall NEVER pop ones collar.

10. Thou shall never wear more than 1 polo at a time.

11. Thou shall take a suit salesmen's advice with a grain of salt. For they do not always know what they are talking about.  Slim fit suits may be in style, but not for a heavier set man.

The Importance of shoes

    It has been a few weeks since my last post, but I have been busy...and lazy.  But I am back to posting on Men's fashion.
    By reading the title of this post it is about how shoes can either make, or break your ensemble.

Tennis Shoes-Should be worn for exercise and active wear. Not with a suit or dressy attire

Dress Shoes-Best when worn with a suit or dressy attire. Can be dressed down with a pair of Khakis or Jeans.  Always make sure your shoes are shined, for an un-shined pair of shoes looks sloppy and makes you look like you don't care.

Loafers-Probably some of the best and most versatile shoes ever (personal preference.) Can be worn dressed up and depending on the style can be worn with a suit.  Best when paired with Slacks.  Can be worn with Jeans, and even shorts if you are bold, but if you wear them with shorts, go sans socks. Oh yea can be worn without socks! Also comes in many different styles.

Sandals (flip flops)-Avoid at all costs unless going to the beach, or using a public shower. No one wants to see your feet anyway.

My posts are going to start getting less complicated, or at least I am going to try and make them less complicated and wordy, anyway happy reading!

-The 7 Day Suit.