Friday, April 19, 2013

Suits. Too tight? Too baggy? Just right.

    Hello everyone.  It has been a long time and I do apologize.  However I would like to start off this blog series with suits.  Yesterday as I was standing on the sidewalk, a man saw me an took it upon himself to tell me "your suit looks a little skimpy."  I merely and politely replied "Actually it fits just right."  He then came back at me with "No! it's too tight and doesn't fit!"  Because I was working (I am a Brand Ambassador for Suitsupply in Chicago) I once again replied "Nope, it fits me just fine", and that was the end of it.  Granted this man is entitled to his own opinion of how a suit should fit, as we all are, but who asked him in the first place and what gave him the inclination to tell me this gem of an insight?

    This got me thinking, how should a suit fit.  Most men over 40 think it should be roomy enough to it a second person or simply don't know or care, they just need to buy a suit.  Men under 28 and avid readers of GQ believe that suits should fit like saran wrap.  Here's the word that is huge in the world of clothing, politics and all sorts of things.  MODERATION!!  Each person has their preference and every brand has it's own cut.  A suit is made up of many different details that distinguish how it fits, feels, looks etc.  But what a man should know when buying a suit is this.  Does it fit in the shoulders and do the pants fit to where you can ask yourself "Can I sit in these even after eating a lot of food?" That's your basic goal. After that we can get into styles, cuts, patterns blah blah blah. 

    This concludes my first post of my re-launch.  Throughout the week I will discuss the different types of suits and how they fit and styles.  Tune in for more.


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